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8 Things To Do in Our Romantic Gatlinburg Cabin Rentals

Couple at romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals
July 14, 2015

Getting away from home and spending some time with your significant other can be one of the most fun and rewarding vacations to take. There really isn’t a better way to spend a vacation in the mountains than with your favorite person, especially in one of our romantic 1 bedroom Gatlinburg cabin rentals. The best part about it is that you can do so many unique things in your cabin together you might not have the luxury to do at home. Because we want you to have the time of your life together during your stay, we have made this list of things you and your loved one can do to be a little more intimate while staying in our romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals.

1. Draw a Jacuzzi Bath

You may not have a large Jacuzzi tub at home to enjoy, and if that’s the case, you may not know how romantic they can be. When you book one of our Gatlinburg cabin rentals you will be able to experience a Jacuzzi tub in the comfort of your own cabin bedroom. We even have cabins, like Bearly Rustic, that have the Jacuzzi tub located right next to the window where you are able to see the wonderful mountain views. You and your partner can enjoy a nice warm bubble bath in a jetted Jacuzzi tub together in the intimate scenery of your cabin bedroom.

2. Massage in the Hot Tub

Four Seasons romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals hot tub and view

Have you offered to give your loved one a massage lately? If so, you probably didn’t have the opportunity to give a massage in an intimate location, like a hot tub. A hot tub alone has many health benefits when it comes to easing stress and tension, and also when it comes to relaxing your muscles. However, if you pair a massage with a hot tub, your partner is likely to enjoy it even more. We can guarantee they will definitely appreciate the effort, after all you are on vacation to relax.

3. Breakfast in Bed

Breakfast in bed is a popular idea to show your love for your significant other in any setting, but if you are in one of our romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals it will be even more special. Even though it is a popular idea, that doesn’t make it any less of an intimate date to share with your loved one. Sharing a meal you made for them is always a wonderful and appreciative treat.

4. Drink Champagne in Front of the Fireplace

Afterglow romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals bedroom with fireplace

We have romantic Gatlinburg cabins available with a few fireplaces, usually in the livingroom or bedroom, for example, Changes in Latitude has both. Sitting in front of the fireplace sharing a bottle of champagne is a wonderful place to have a meaningful conversation. It would be the perfect opportunity for you to tell your sweetheart just how much they mean to you. Plus, you can pick out a significant bottle of champagne, maybe a favorite or one from an important memory, to make it a little bit more special for the two of you.

5.Homemade Dinner For Two

You might be thinking to yourself you make dinner at home all the time. Well, in this case you may not set up a romantic dinner at the dining table with all of your honey’s favorite foods, candles, music, dim lights and their favorite beverage. When you customize dinner in the kitchen of one of our romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals and cater it to their specific tastes, it will show your love you are passionate about their wants and needs. It can really make your time eating together over the top, especially knowing you put in the effort just for them.

6. Enjoy the View With Wine and Snacks

A Moonlight Kiss romanitc Galtinburg cabin rentals view with wine

Many of our Gatlinburg cabin rentals come with an excellent view of the mountains, like Angels’ Attic. Resting on your deck taking in all of the beautiful views is a great place to enjoy some alone time with your significant other. You can add some wine and snacks to the mix, and make it a date. It is the best place available for you to watch the sunset. You can even get up early to watch the sunrise with a cup of coffee or tea rather than wine. The quiet mountain location is the perfect venue for enjoying paradise with one another.

7. Watch A Movie

Many of our romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals come with televisions in several rooms. Pick out your loved one’s favorite romance film, and watch it together in your living room or bedroom by the flickering fireplace. You can snuggle up together with a few blankets and pillows to make it cozy and comfortable. For some added fun you can delight them with their favorite movie theater treats, like popcorn and candy.

8. King/Queen For a Day

A Paradise Splash romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals with indoor pool

If you really want to make your vacation one to remember for your sweetheart, pick a day of the vacation and let them know you are making them king/queen for a day. This means they get to choose all the activities for that day. Doing this is a great way to show them how much you love them. You can even put a little spin on it, and tell your loved one you are the king/queen for the day. Instead you will decide everything that happens all day, but you can use that excuse to make the day all about them. Rather than choosing activities that are your favorite, you can do everything on this list to make the day special for them.

If you enjoyed reading this article about the romantic things to do in your cabin, you can find even more benefits to booking romantic Gatlinburg cabin rentals when you click here.

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